The application config file is named app.conf and uses the syntax accepted by goconfig, which is similar to Microsoft INI files.

Here’s an example file:


log.trace.output = off  = stderr
log.warn.output  = stderr
log.error.output = stderr


log.trace.output = off  = off
log.warn.output  = %(
log.error.output = %(

Each section is a Run Mode. The keys at the top level(not within any section) apply to all run modes. The key under [prod] section applies only to prod mode. This allows default values to be supplied that apply across all modes, and overridden as required.

Revel uses the following properties internally:

  • app.secret - the secret key used to sign session cookies (and anywhere the application uses rev.Sign)
  • http.port - the port to listen on
  • http.addr - the ip address to which to bind (empty string is wildcard)
  • results.pretty - RenderXml and RenderJson product nicely formatted XML/JSON.
  • watch - enable source watching. if false, no watching is done regardless of other watch settings. (default True)
  • watch.templates - should Revel watch for changes to views and reload? (default True)
  • watch.routes - should Revel watch for changes to routes and reload? (default True)
  • watch.code - should Revel watch for changes to code and reload? (default True)
  • cookie.prefix - how should the Revel-produced cookies be named? (default “REVEL”)
  • log.* - Logging configuration


As above saying, Revel configuration mode is based on goconfig. Let’s take a look at the goconfig firstly.

The configuration file consists of sections, led by a "*[section]*" header and followed by "*name: value*" entries; "*name=value*" is also accepted. Note that leading whitespace is removed from values. The optional values can contain format strings which refer to other values in the same section, or values in a special DEFAULT section. Additional defaults can be provided on initialization and retrieval. Comments are indicated by “;” or “#"; a comment may begin anywhere on a line, including on the same line after parameters or section declarations.

For example:

[My Section]
foodir: %(dir)s/whatever

would resolve the "*%(dir)s*" to the value of "*dir*" (*foo* in this case). All reference expansions are done on demand.

Data structure

Config is the representation of configuration settings.

type Config struct {
	comment   string
	separator string

	// === Sections order
	lastIdSection int            // Last section identifier
	idSection     map[string]int // Section : position

	// The last option identifier used for each section.
	lastIdOption map[string]int // Section : last identifier

	// Section -> option : value
	data map[string]map[string]*tValue

tValue hold the input position for a value.

type tValue struct {
	position int    // Option order
	v        string // value

So all the configurations is formed up a tree with these two structures.



The Config supports four method for managing section.

Method - AddSection

This method is used to add a new section to the configuration.

// AddSection adds a new section to the configuration.
// If the section is nil then uses the section by default which it's already
// created.
// It returns true if the new section was inserted, and false if the section
// already existed.
func (self *Config) AddSection(section string) bool {
	if section == "" {
		return false

	if _, ok :=[section]; ok {
		return false
	}[section] = make(map[string]*tValue)

	// Section order
	self.idSection[section] = self.lastIdSection

	return true
  • lastIdSection logs the next position for adding new section.

Method - RemoveSection

This method is used to remove a section from the configuration.

// RemoveSection removes a section from the configuration.
// It returns true if the section was removed, and false if section did not exist.
func (self *Config) RemoveSection(section string) bool {
	_, ok :=[section]

	// Default section cannot be removed.
	if !ok || section == DEFAULT_SECTION {
		return false

	for o, _ := range[section] {
		delete([section], o) // *value
	delete(, section)

	delete(self.lastIdOption, section)
	delete(self.idSection, section)

	return true
  • Can’t remove default section

Method - HasSection

This method is used to check the specified section is exist in the configuration.

// HasSection checks if the configuration has the given section.
// (The default section always exists.)
func (self *Config) HasSection(section string) bool {
	_, ok :=[section]

	return ok

Method - Sections

This method is to get all the existing sections’ names.

// Sections returns the list of sections in the configuration.
// (The default section always exists.)
func (self *Config) Sections() (sections []string) {
	sections = make([]string, len(self.idSection))
	pos := 0 // Position in sections

	for i := 0; i < self.lastIdSection; i++ {
		for section, id := range self.idSection {
			if id == i {
				sections[pos] = section

	return sections


The option is represented by the tValue. And it is almost same as the section.


The value of a option is saved as string. goconfig support following types base on the raw string.

  • Bool: convert the response string to bool.
  • Float: convert the response string to Float.
  • Int: convert the response string to Int.
  • RawString: get raw string from the specified section, if not found, find it in default section.
  • RawStringDefault: get raw string only from default section.
  • String: get raw string from the specified section, unfolding automatically if need.

Read/Write file

The configuration also support getting informations from local file and saving informations into a local file.


Revel wrap the goconfig in its own structure, named MergedConfig

// It has a "preferred" section that is checked first for option queries.
// If the preferred section does not have the option, the DEFAULT section is
// checked fallback.
type MergedConfig struct {
	config  *config.Config
	section string // Check this section first, then fall back to DEFAULT

As the comment says, revel first search the section specified by the section field.

The wrapped methods handle all the errors in searching, and reported it by the boolean variable.

One special method is MergedConfig's Options, it accepts a filter prefix string. The results from the config.Options will be filtered.

// Options returns all configuration option keys.
// If a prefix is provided, then that is applied as a filter.
func (c *MergedConfig) Options(prefix string) []string {
	var options []string
	keys, _ := c.config.Options(c.section)
	for _, key := range keys {
		if strings.HasPrefix(key, prefix) {
			options = append(options, key)
	return options